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Showing posts from 2020

Sethron, Brother's Bond, Part II - Foundations

Welcome back! I wanted to thank everybody for the positive support they gave for Part I of this blogging adventure. Writing the post was easy, getting the confidence to share it and start the journey was more difficult. It took some time last week, but I ultimately decided to name the blog Labyrinth of Skophos. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out a good name, as I wanted the option to write about other topics that aren't my Sethron deck. The myth of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth came to mind, and my wife encouraged me to use the Labyrinth of Skophos since it has real meaning in Magic, and it's also tied to the Minotaur polis. The intent is that I'm "navigating Commander and life, both in and outside of your playgroup". I am also included in the card in Sethron. The only issue with the extended art is that I lose out on the flavor text, but the larger art looks amazing! When we ended Part I, I had laid out some history and the basic idea of what the

Sethron, Brother's Bond, Part I - Beginnings

For as long as I've been a gamer, I've realized how much these activities bring people together. It's not about winning and losing, but the entire experience around the events that unfold at the table. It's the people you're sitting and spending time with. My brother, who has been one of the people I have spent the most time discussing and playing Magic with, hasn't spoken to me in three years. It's three years that feels like a lot longer. Magic has had some amazing new ideas and creative directions over that time period. Dinosaurs, pirates, planeswalkers with abilities, and the wonderful new additions of Sagas and Adventurers have all been brought into the game. If I went back in time and told myself what the future would hold, I'm not sure that I would believe it. To me and my friends, spring 2008 was the pinnacle of freedom and our own Magic experience. Shadowmoor had just been released - I remember picking up a few packs before heading out